From national multiplex theatrical releases with flashy New York & Los Angeles premieres, to targeted multi-city arthouse and regional venues, CAVU Releasing can structure and orchestrate the perfect theatrical experience for your film.
You made your film to be seen on the big screen. The excitement, the exposure, the sheer joy of having your creative efforts displayed in theaters all across the US is both artistically fulfilling, and the best way to build financial value into the total earning potential of your project.
The high level of exposure and press coverage from a successful theatrical release greatly enhances the value of a films ancillary rights in the Home video, TV and foreign marketplace.
CAVU simply grows the value of your film by sculpting the best theatrical release possible. If requested, CAVU can also guide your film through all of its ancillary distribution.
CAVU PR In addition, by seamlessly utilizing the in-house film release publicity services of CAVU PR, your project will receive the greatest amount of targeted press attention possible. CAVU’s goal is to use all possible tools to energize the distribution of your film and thereby maximize your theatrical boxoffice and ancillary potential.